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Meet Michael Dale: The man behind "Banbury Pulse"

What can one say about themselves that truly matters? I could tell you I'm Banbury born and bred, but that doesn't explain who I am. I could tell you at age 21 I left Banbury, vowing it was a terrible place to which I would never return, but that only explains who I was. I could tell you I met my wife online, in 2001, having decided to pursue a relationship with renewed vigour after experiencing an emotional aftershock watching the destruction of the twin towers, and the senseless loss of life. I could explain that I returned to Banbury after seeing it through the fresh eyes of my wife, and upon re-settling, gaining a deeper understanding of the community and friendships the town had to offer. I could also tell you I have worked through a variety of "careers", and am currently to be found training customer service staff in Cherwell District Council. But that is simply facts, events and moments past, it is my love of writing, that, I feel, is a singular truth that does define me succinctly, and explains why I am here. It defines me because, what I do rather than what I say, will always imprint upon you more. A personality springs forth within the written word.



Herein lies the paradox though, if my actions are primarily words then what I say and what I do are intrinsically linked. Of course this is not wholly accurate because though these words you are reading are mine, they are written, not verbal, I am not 'saying' them in the literal sense and I am able to edit freely. To be fair to you, the reader, in this instance, I am writing much as I think, with the dialogue of my mind spilling pretty much word for word onto the screen. Therefore by reading the above I hope to have explained myself to you in a way that means more than birthplace, age and race ever could. Those are things that place us in boxes, forever tagged as a 'type', perhaps best left to social websites and dating agency's.

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